Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A lot on my plate

Okay, sorry I haven't updated. I'll let you in on a little secret. Clomid is not fun. Having pregnancy symptoms when you aren't pregnant...totally not fun. Cramps, bloating, nausea, acne, hot flashes, emotional swings that drive me crazy...and though he hasn't said anything, I'm sure they drive Ben crazy too. If I need to take Clomid to get pregnant, than you better believe that I'm going to take Clomid, but I don't have to like it. Granny pointed out today that I have had worse acne in the past month and a half, than I did throughout my entire teenage years! I cry my eyes out over the dumbest things, and then 5 minutes later, I'm as happy as a lark. Ugh. It really is driving me nuts!! Oh, and to top it off, I currently have pneumonia. So it's all these symptoms plus not being able to breath. Hopefully these antibiotics work soon!!!!

Okay, that's my rant. Now onto fun stuff. Brad is marrying this AWESOME girl, Erin, May 8th. I was commissioned to do all the flowers for the wedding/reception/everything. I am SOOOOO grateful that Rianne Jones offered to help me out. Two heads are totally better than one. I just told her what I was thinking, and then she helped me actually pull it off. Man I love that girl!!! I would have NEVER gotten as far as I have without her!! Jessica also helped out a ton! She was right there if we needed leaves painted, or if we needed a certain flower retrieved, cut, etc, she was right there to do it! She made the whole process go 100 times faster!! Now we are more than 50% done with the flowers.

The next thing I have to worry about, the cake. Yes. I am doing the cake. AHHHH!!!! I am really nervous about this one! The nice thing is, we still have the cake from my wedding as a backup if I screw up too badly!! Hahaha.

Let's see, what else is new. Ben had a lead part in a musical, and did a FABULOUS job!! I am so stinking proud of him! He was Barnaby in Hello Dolly, just in case anyone was wondering, or didn't see his performance. My mom, of course, took over 1000 pictures over the 3 performances. Everyone kept saying they expected me to be performing right there with him, but I don't do so well in front of people. I get stage fright sooooo's ugly. Plus, I just don't think I have the voice for it.

Well, I think that's it for now. See ya!!


Carolyn said...

I'm glad you updated. Sorry it isn't all the greatest. :( rock! Keep yer chin up.

Ben and Jamie Stott said...

I'm not always sure people really read it, so that makes it difficult to get the motivation to update sometimes. But thanks for making me feel loved Carolyn!! You are always so good at that!

Carolyn said...

I read it, I read it! Keep it updated, Jamie! :)