Friday, February 5, 2010

Pre-Clomid Jitters

So I know it's 2 am, but I can't sleep, so I figure I'll blog. I take my first Clomid pill today. I picked up the meds after my haircut yesterday, expecting to pay an arm and a leg for it, since most insurance doesn't cover it. I had to pick up some medication for recurrent UTI's (the joy of my life), but due to the fact that I am constantly buying Macrobid and Cipro, I already knew how much that was going to cost. When the pharmacist said 29 whatever, I thought that I had missed the "1" before the 29, so I had him repeat the price...twice! The Clomid cost me a grand total of 14.99! Needless to say, I was very happy, and the pharmacist laughed at my goofy squeal of excitement over the price.

With starting the Clomid today, I almost feel like we are deciding to get pregnant for the first time all over again. I guess I didn't think about it as much when I knew I wasn't ovulating. I figured it it happened, it happened. Now, I feel more pro-active in the decision again. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY excited and more than ready to move forward, I just found myself freaking out a little bit this week! Ben and I know that this is the right path for us to take at this time, but it can get a little intimidating when you really start to think about the responsibility, price tag, and eternal consequences/rewards of starting a family. Once you have a kid, you can't just take it back for a refund if you aren't ready. I had Ben give me a blessing, and I felt so much better. I can't even begin to explain how thankful I am that Ben is a worthy priesthood holder!

Oh, and just so no one freaks out, I won't tell whether I am pregnant or not until the end of the first trimester. My chance of miscarriage is so ridiculously high, I want to make sure we are in the clear before I go blabbing to the world that I am pregnant, and start the rumor mill going! The Clomid will most likely give me pregnancy-like symptoms which I will talk about, but please don't assume anything, because I really won't tell, and I'd rather not lie. As time goes on, I will post things like the baby names we have already decided on, or new ones that may replace them, pictures of baby stuff (and mommy stuff) that we are looking at, and what goes on during the doctors appointments. I figure it will be a good way to get frustrations off my chest, and hopefully get ideas and encouragement from other friends and moms.

Well, I am now officially blabbing, so I will stop typing now! Hahaha! Good night all, and let the adventure begin!


1 comment:

Mike and Aubrey Asay said...

Good luck with everything you guys! What an exciting decission you have made!!