Okay, so my best friend Emily got on my case about updating my profile, and made me promise I would...so here I am! In all reality, I feel like my life is pretty boring and monotonous, and not worth reading. But oh well, I will write anyway!
So I have been going to school this quarter while Ben is working full time at Takata. This is my first winter off any Rheumatoid Arthritis medication, and man, has it EVER been difficult!! I started seeing a chiropractor, and have felt much better, but it is still really rough some days. This quarter I was retaking an old math class....definitely my LEAST favorite subject because I am horrible at it. I think I did decently, but we will just have to wait and see when grades come out. I was taking Keyboarding...not a good class to take when your finger joints are swollen and stiff and they grade you based on speed and accuracy! My favorite class of the quarter has to have been Developmental Psychology! It was so interesting and I really enjoyed class!
With the onset of my RA, and the knowledge that it will only get worse, I have had to start thinking of another career choice besides Nursing. I felt really lucky that I always knew what I wanted to do with my life. I never went through career day seriously, because it really didn't apply to me. I was told that I would prepare others to carry the work of parenthood, and raising children forward. I always assumed that my career choice of labor and delivery/NICU nursing covered that. Now I am not so sure, and I need to look into all career paths involving children and parenting. I feel like I am going back to high school! I also need to get my bum to a 4 year university...but that is another post.
This Thanksgiving was a Reeder year, but Ben and I took Grandma and went down a little early to spend time with my mom's family that we hadn't seen in a while. We also spent time with my best friend and her husband, Emily and Taylor, and took their family pictures. Once I get those all edited I will post them. It was so much fun to spend time with them, as Emily and her family are like family to me....in all aspects of the word. Em and Tay had tickets to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in Salt Lake, so we babysat Hannah for the day. Needless to say, it made me SUPER baby hungry. Not saying that I'm not already with everyone and their dog preggers...or so it seems, but it seriously intensified the desire. We met them in Salt Lake and had dinner with them and Taylor's brother and sister-in-law. We had a nice Thanksgiving with my dad's family, and then we drove back up to Logan to actually take Em's pictures and then we went to Tummy Yummy and watched The Blind Side. It has been a while since we had a fun evening like that! Unfortunately, we had to come back, and like always, I bawled my eyes out as we left Cache Valley. Logan will ALWAYS be my home.
We bought our first Christmas tree, and my first ever real tree! It smells so good! It's pretty sparse as far as ornaments go, but hey, it's our first one, and we love it! I don't know if we will bet Christmas cards out, but you never know, maybe I will actually get one done. Well, I can't think of anything else at the moment, but hopefully you will see come pics before too long!