Well, I can't sleep, so I guess I will give a much needed update. Right as things were getting to a point where we needed to decide whether or not we could afford to continue living in the apartments where we are, I was asked by the manager of the complex if I wanted to be her assistant manager. It was a serious answer to our prayers as I would work off our rent! It has it's moments where I want to rip my hair out, but all in all it's a great job. Every other week when the manager is gone, and I am in charge, I also take care of her mother who lives in the complex. She is the sweetest lady, and so easy to please and take care of!!! I love her to bits!
Unfortunately, this was still not enough to afford to continue living out here, since Ben was only working 3 hours a day. But, once again, prayers were answered when Ben got a call to go back to Takata to work. There has been so many hours of over time, which has been great, but I miss my husband!!! We have been so blessed to be able to work where we do!
This fall, since Ben isn't going to Big Bend, I decided that I am going back to school! YIKES!!! I'm not sure I am completely ready, but here goes nothing! I only have 5 more nursing pre/co req's and then one more class will give me my AA in Medical Assisting, so I figure what the heck?!
On a sad note, one of my heroes passed away last week. My great uncle William N. "Bill" Stoddard's funeral was Tuesday in Emmett, ID. Basically everyone in my family that was able to go, went. It was nice to see everyone, but sad that it had to be for a funeral. Thinking about my great uncle Bill makes me cry and smile at the same time. He was my Grandpa Stoddard's little brother. He was a selfless man, who would do anything for anyone. When he was born, he got stuck in the birth canal and wasn't able to get oxygen for quite a while and because of this, he was mentally handicapped. He never once let his disabilities get the best of him, and he worked harder than most of the men I know. He leaves a wife, four daughters, a son in law, and four grandchildren. People, even some of his own family, looked down on him because of his earthly limitations. They weren't able to see the amazingly sweet, spiritual, perfect being that he was. He and my grandfather are the only ones who remained faithful in the church. Bill read the Book of Mormon over 500 times, though he took the exact number to the spirit world with him. I know that he, my grandfather, and their mother, had an amazing reunion, and congratulated each other on remaining faithful through their earthly trials. I'm sure there was a sweet reunion with their father and other siblings as well!
The funeral was beautiful. I was able to assist my grandmother as she walked up to give the family prayer during the family viewing. I was so grateful to be able to squeeze her hand and steady her as she began to falter when the tears came. Two of my uncles gave AMAZING talks. I wish I could have recorded what they said! I was doing really well in the beginning, focusing on my little cousin Heather, but once my cousin Casey began to sing "The Test" it was over! I just sat and bawled like a baby, but I wasn't alone. We all felt my grandfather's spirit at the service, along with my cousin Adam who passed away soon after birth. A new wave of tears, along with a quick gasp) hit as my Uncle Gary began the life sketch by making note that the last funeral he spoke at was EXACTLY 18 years and 6 months earlier....my grandfather, his father's funeral. The emotions hit me like a tidal wave. I learned a lot about my uncle Bill in those seemingly short minutes, making me love him even more! After another tear-magnet "Oh My Father" by Casey, my Uncle Mike gave a beautiful talk about life, and trials, and perseverance bringing, you guessed it...more tears. Together, we sang "God Be with You Till We Meet Again". The words drilled deep into my soul, and I KNOW that they are true, that I WILL see my uncle and other deceased family members again! After the service, we moved to the cemetery where my Uncle Steve gave the dedicatory prayer. We all laid a flower on Bill's casket, and then made our way back to the church for a meal and some overdue reunions and introductions. It was an amazing trip, but I miss my uncle. I didn't see him often, but the world seems a little darker knowing that he isn't here to make some body's day brighter.
It was so wonderful to see his body, free of pain, and free of the limitations that have been with him for so long! I can only imagine the cartwheels that he is doing in heaven, and the conversations he is having with his family. I have no doubt that he is being an amazing missionary to his siblings and friends! It makes me remember (and dearly miss) my grandfather, and makes me so very grateful that I have an eternal family that will be together forever! I can't wait until the day when I will be reunited with my loved ones who have gone before me. I am now exhausted from the emotions, and the many fresh tears that have flooded my face. Just do me a favor and think about your family and friends. Think about the things they bring into your life, and how they make the world brighter....you never know when someone might be taken from you. Try to put the petty things aside and attempt to really make them know how much to love and appreciate them!
I love all of you, and I'm grateful for each and every one of you! Thank you for the love and friendship you have all shown me! You have made me into the person I am today! Okay, I'll get off my soap box now! Until next time my friends!